WWE UnderTaker WrestleMania Perfomance 2008

UnderTaker Wins all the WrestleMania fights after beating the following, Lets see when the WWE chemistry changes against undertaker.

WrestleMania VII in 1991
Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka
WrestleMania VIII in 1992
Jake "The Snake" Roberts
WrestleMania IX in 1993
Giant Gonzales
WrestleMania XI in 1995
King Kong Bundy
WrestleMania XII in 1996
WrestleMania 13 in 1997 for the WWF Championship
Sycho Sid
WrestleMania XIV in 1998
WrestleMania XV in a Hell in a Cell match in 1999
Big Boss Man
WrestleMania X-Seven in 2001
Triple H
WrestleMania X8 in a no disqualification match in 2002
Ric Flair
WrestleMania XIX in a handicap match in 2003
A-Train and Big Show
WrestleMania XX in 2004
WrestleMania 21 in 2005
Randy Orton
WrestleMania 22 in a casket match in 2006
Mark Henry
WrestleMania 23 in 2007
WrestleMania 24 in 2008

Undertaker WrestleMania fights video